Satisfaction survey- Customer support

1 Why did you call customer support?

2 How did you contact customer support?

3 About how long did you have to wait before speaking to a support representative?

4 Please rate the representative who helped you on the following:

(1 star is poor, 5 stars is excellent)

Friendly Knowledgeable Listened Carefully

5 Please rate the representative who helped you on the following:

(1 star is poor, 5 stars is excellent)

Friendly Knowledgeable Listened Carefully
The representative was...

6 Was the customer support representative able to answer your question?

7 We are sorry, would you like a senior support representative to contact you?

8 How would you like them to contact you?

9 Please provide your email address, when you submit this survey we will notify a staff member to contact you

10 Please provide your phone number, when you submit this survey we will notify a staff member to contact you

11 Please share any additional comments about your experience or suggestions on how we can better improve our service