Employee satisfaction

As our company grows, changes and faces new challenges, we recognize the importance of employee satisfaction.
This survey is anonymous and your responses will be held in the strictest confidence. We thank you for your thoughtful feedback.This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Please select your department

What category BEST describes your job?

How long have you worked for our company?

Overall, how satisfied are you with our company?

Please let us know why you are not satisfied

Please rate your overall satisfaction with your immediate boss/supervisor.
1= Extremely Dissatisfied,
2= Somewhat Dissatisfied,
3= Neutral,
4= Somewhat Satisfied,
5= Extremely Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5
Communication with your boss/supervisor
Your overall relationship with your boss/supervisor
Your boss/supervisor's active involvement in your career development
Your boss/supervisor's management capabilities
Recognition received from your boss/supervisor

Tell us how well the following statements apply to your immediate boss/supervisor.
5= Strongly Agree,
4= Somewhat Agree,
3= Neutral,
2= Somewhat Disagree,
1= Strongly Disagree

1 2 3 4 5
My boss/supervisor makes sure I have sufficient training
My boss/supervisor gives me fair reviews
My boss/supervisor is knowledgeable about my work
My boss/supervisor is willing to promote me
My boss/supervisor takes time to listen to me
My boss/supervisor has reasonable expectations of my work

How well do you believe your boss/supervisor lives up to the company's standard code of ethics?

1 2 3 4 5
Extremely well
Very well
Sometimes does, sometimes doesn't
Not very well
Doesn't abide by company's ethics at all

Please rate your level of satisfaction with the following
1= Extremely Dissatisfied,
2= Somewhat Dissatisfied,
3= Neutral,
4= Somewhat Satisfied,
5= Extremely Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5
Flexibility of work hours
Connection between pay and performance
Opportunity for advancement
Job security
Options/pension plans
Access to company sponsored training and seminars
Thank you again for your feedback.